Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 6 on HCG Diet

I am feeling astoundingly more optimistic today. I weighed in at 214.4 this morning. That means I've lost 10 pounds in 5 days (I weighed 224 after my first loading day). I am ecstatic with these results and they are proving to be great motivation. I didn't cheat as much today, but I still ate too many crackers. I won't be buying those Melba Sea Salt Snacks anymore. They're too delicious!

I plan to place my cracker allotment for tomorrow in a baggie so that I'll have a better visual of what I can have and I'll be more likely to ration and less likely to cheat. I like to trick my brain.

I was still a bit hungry today, but I mostly craved carbs and just something to chew. I broke down and got some Trident White gum, which isn't completely aspartame free, but it will do for now. Having something to chew keeps me from craving food so much. Next I will get 'Spry' gum off of Amazon that has no aspartame or sugar, only Xylitol, which is derived from fruits and is actually good for your teeth.

Trying this next to avoid food cravings...

It seems to get a little easier every day, and I'm getting to a point where I can't wait for morning so I can weigh myself. I've noticed in the evenings I can feel a little down and tired, but I think it is because I need to be going to bed earlier.

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