Monday, October 15, 2012

P90X Lean Week One ~ Daily Log

I made it through the first week! I honestly feel pretty sore, but stronger and more graceful. My abs feel harder on the side and my legs are already toning up. I feel like my trouble fat areas are getting smaller already. It may be in my mind, but it's a nice thought. ^_^

I have gained about two pounds, but that's normal apparently. I'll write a post about why later this week.

My mat and my chin-up bar came in this week, too! It makes me feel much more committed when I have equipment in plain sight.

I wrote some notes about each day:

Core Synergistics:  I made it through the regular part of the video (not the intense last 5-10 minutes when Tony warns you it's going to be difficult). It was the toughest physical challenge I've had in a very long time, but I made it through. I couldn't do all of the exercises properly yet, because I don't have a mat.

Cardio: I definitely felt it. I feel like one of my biggest challenges is the Dreya Roll. I haven't been able to even attempt it yet.

Shoulders and Arms: I made it through every move with 3 pound weights. I want to get heavier weights to challenge myself more.
Ab Ripper: I made it through 5 minutes, but my muscles were failing, so I stopped.

Yoga: Made it through 55 minutes (40 minutes left). My challenges are the half moon pose, and to have better form on my upward dog poses.
I can't say that this video really captures the true spirit of yoga, but it is one hell of a workout. ^_^

Legs and Back: I made it through all but ten minutes of the video. I couldn't do a pull-up, but I did about 30 1/4 pull ups and worked the muscles. I can't wait until I can do one!
Ab Ripper: Didn't do it, I was quite exhausted after all the lifting.

Kenpo X: I made it through 45 minutes and went to cool down when there were 20 minutes left. This is a super tough cardio workout, but really fun, once I got into the swing of it.

Rest Day: I walked for 30 minutes pushing a twin stroller (I do that every day). I turned quickly today and felt that I pulled an abdominal muscle a little. I'm just taking it easy.

It was a good week! It felt so good to workout that much. I have so much energy during the day now! I generally exercise as soon as I wake up at 5 AM. I don't even give myself time to talk myself out of it. :)

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