Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hungry on Day 4

I sort of feel like a total wimp, but I have been quite hungry today. I am trying to determine whether it is true hunger or if I am craving foods like sweets and carbs. It seems like that is what I want, mostly, but also fats. I kept wanting to eat more crackers, not necessarily more veggies or meat... I spread my food out a lot today, trying to make it last, but I found myself waiting impatiently for the next time I could eat, without accomplishing much else.

Not a fun day, and I am conflicted because I told myself I would listen to my body and I intend to, but at what point? It is only my second day on the VLCD, so my gut tells me I should give the drops a bit more time to work. I also want to see how much weight I lose before tomorrow.

Speaking of weight, I lost about two and a half pounds since yesterday. That is a fantastic sign, but I will feel much more encouraged when I hit 217, which was my weight before I started my load days.

Also, I have to admit this to you if I'm going to keep this blog totally honest and be accountable. I had a couple extra Melba snacks today, a couple strawberries (not one of my two chosen fruits for the day), and a few bites of my husband's chicken and brussel sprout dinner (made by me and actually quite clean and healthy). I'm not sure if it will change anything, nor will I be able to tell because I didn't give myself a control day to work from. Oh, well. Tomorrow is a new day and all that.

So, all in all, I've decided to give it more time, not get too discouraged, and do my best to avoid boredom and tempting crackers.

Nom, nom, nom. Stop tempting me, Melbas!

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